
I Sing The Body Adorned

Tattooed Girl

I recently read the results of a Pew survey stating that forty percent of adults aged 25 – 40 years olds have tattoos. The statistic on piercings for that same age group is a bit less – about a quarter of them – but a healthy number nonetheless. With piercings and tattoos no longer relegated to scary […]


Reawakening Sleeping Beauty

Several years ago I attended a romance conference in which Anne Rice made a guest appearance in order to help promote the new release Beguiled, written by her sister, the late Alice Borchardt. After a brief discussion about Alice’s book, the conversation quickly turned to Anne’s Sleeping Beauty trilogy. One intrepid but shy audience member […]


Couples who read together . . .

Sexy Couple With Bookshelf

I have a good girlfriend who told me once that she and her boyfriend enjoyed reading passages from my historical erotic novella to each other as a prelude to lovemaking. She said reading to each other like that really got them in the mood for some good time fun. I was flattered – and happy to […]


The Ultimate Buzz Kill: Unrealistic Sex

As I mentioned in a previous post, I think many readers of erotic romance transpose themselves with the heroine in the book they’re reading. They become someone named Catherine St Claire, feisty, wealthy, smart, savvy, head-turning beauty, who attracts men like flies to honey. Any not just any men, mind you, but the men all […]


Vikings and pirates and bad boys – oh my!

Fires of Winter

I first started reading romance when I paid a visit to a local used bookstore and picked up a bunch of cheap paperbacks. I’d not read romance prior to that as my tastes were generally straight fiction or horror. But for some reason a used Johanna Lindsey caught my eye and from the moment I […]


Howling Good: Wolf Tales

I gotta confess, sometimes the mood hits me for a really hot read. You know, as in smokin’-until-my-insides-dissolve hot. Until my mattress spontaneously combusts while I’m reading. That kind of hot. I rarely read “sweet” romances, but my tastes varies between steamy and downright scorching. And as long as the romance is strong and present, I’m open to […]