Besides being one myself, I’m a fan of writers. It can be a frustrating, lonely, difficult aspiration and I admire anyone who’s actually jumped in and taken fingers to keyboard to bang out the characters in her head who refuse to pipe down. For those reasons and more, I salute my writing sisters and don’t […]
Le Guêpier – William-Adolphe Bouguereau
As an erotic romance writer, I spend a fair amount of time thinking and writing about the physical senses. This is far beyond just thinking about sex – which some people believe is all we think about. “Ha!” They scoff. “Writing about sex. Nice work if you can get it.” Those misguided comments are as […]
Ian McEwan
I’m always extremely impatient waiting for Ian McEwan‘s next book. The stories are so intriguing, the characters multi-layered and complex. But McEwan, like Michael Cunningham, just kills me with the power of his prose. It’s so good, it’s sick! I read half of every one of his books with my mouth hanging open, awestruck by […]
Michael Cunningham
Michael Cunningham is a writer known mostly for his 1998 novel The Hours. I loved that book and it’s stayed with me over the years. I find myself thinking about it not infrequently, probably at least once every few months. I’ve read three other books by him, two novels: Flesh and Blood and Specimen Days, […]