Ah . . the joys of sex toys! Fun to play with, fun to write about. They’re to an erotic romance author what props are to an actor. They add detail to the story and give the performers something to do with their hands. heh . .
But in our tech-saturated world where the latest gadgets come and go, I started wondering whether the same could be said about sex toys. Are any new ones being made these days? We know about dildos, whips, butt plugs, and handcuffs, but what about other interesting devices we writers could use to enhance the fun for our characters?
With those and other burning questions in mind, your intrepid Lady Smut author grabbed a friend and ventured forth into some New York City sex shops over the weekend to do a little research. Our first stop: Eve’s Garden. This is like a little sex shop oasis in the middle of NYC. You’d never know it’s there unless you know it’s there. Located in a nondescript high-rise in midtown, you could just as easily be visiting a friend’s apartment or seeing your dentist in this building. There’s no advertising, no signs, no nothing. Once you reach the door there’s just a discreet little sign letting you know you’ve reached the right place. Walk in and enter a clean, friendly, and rather upscale well-stocked store that seems to cater mostly to women, although there is plenty of fun shopping for couples.
We asked one of the friendly sales women there to show us what’s new, and our first order of business was the We Vibe 3. This handy little device was actually written up Business Week, and for good reason. There’s a lot to love about it. First off, It’s designed for dual stimulation of a woman. One end is inserted to touch the g-spot, leaving the other end to stimulate the (ahem) outside lady part. It vibrates away and leaves a gal feeling downright yummy. But the cool thing about this one is that it’s meant to be used for couples while they’re doing the deed. The guy just slips in beneath the little device so he can feel the vibrations right along with his gal. There are six different types of vibrations which are handy for different position. What positions, you might ask? Fear not! The makers of the We Vibe 3 have an online playbook! It’s also waterproof and the rechargeable batteries charge with a USB plug. There are just no excuses for your hero and heroine not to have a deliciously good time with this handy device.
But wait, there’s more! Named in this month’s issue of Men’s Health as the best new sex toy of 2013, I give you the Hello Touch finger vibe. The friendly folks at NYC’s The Pleasure Chest were kind enough to model it for my friend and me. The little finger pads easily strap on and the controls are mounted to the user’s wrist so the hands are left free to roam. The wearer can press and stimulate as hard or as lightly as he wants – or as she demands, whatever the case may be. 🙂
So now, let’s talk about dildos. You think you’ve seen them all, right? Small ones, big ones, those that can easily fit in a purse, slim ones that have a cap looking like a lipstick for added discretion. But what you might not have seen is this: the Stronic Eins pulsating dildo. Forget about vibrating, this little tool thrusts, baby. Inside the device are apparently two magnetic balls – and seriously, just how perfect is that – that move back and forth to give this dildo its ability to provide the user with a powerful thrusting motion. The sinuous curve also has a bulge designed to hit her cl*t right where it counts. It’s incredibly smooth to the touch and very quiet. It comes with ten different settings, although I’ve read reviews that say the lower settings are the ones that work best. Designed for riding solo or inviting company.
Two other fun discoveries were made at Tic Tac Toe, a shop crammed full of devices with a whole second floor dedicated to costumes and shoes. There we came upon glow-in-the-dark bubble bath. I can envision scenes now of a to-die-for hero, candlelight nights, a spa tub, and glowing bubbles. And if the scene moves from the bathtub to the bedroom, have your heroine caress her
man everywhere – and make sure he can see it – while wearing blacklight nail polish. How fun is that? Sure, these last two items are a bit on the gag gifts side, but there’s nothing wrong with a little laughter and fun between the sheets.
A big thanks to all of the salespeople who patiently answered our questions and showed us around their stores. If you’re in NYC, a stop in one of these stores will be well worth your time. For research, of course. 🙂
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