Stephen King
But to me Stephen King is a writer. Period. He’s more than a horror writer or a fiction writer or a fantasy/sci-fic writer. He’s been maligned by critics over the years who’ve said that he can’t write and he’s just a wealthy hack. It’s difficult for me to state how strongly I disagree with them. As far as I’m concerned, people criticizing his work haven’t actually bothered to fully familiarize themselves with it. If they had they’d realize that King’s writing is witty, funny, concise, powerful, and his storytelling skills are absolutely first rate. He finally, at long last, received the recognition he strongly deserves when in 2003 he was awarded the National Book Foundation’s medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters.
When he had his hellish accident back in 1999 in which he was hit by an inattentive driver and shattered multiple bones in his body, the excruciating recovery made him wonder whether he’d write again. Happily for us King fans, he did recover and has published numerous books since, including the long-awaited sequel to The Shining, Doctor Sleep. His next novel, Mr. Mercedes, will be released in June 3, 2014. I already have the date highlighted on my calendar.
I’ve been reading King’s work since I was in the 7th grade and I’ll keep reading it, admiring it, and being inspired by it, for as long as he keeps on writing.
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